That is a horrid temptation to put before a man who is forbidden to make vigorous movements, ” he said. “Is it really?” she said. “No wonder Miles did not approve. He looked daggers at me.” “Maybe his face froze that way, ” Rupert said. “He was looking daggers at me a few hours ago. Do you think he suspects?” “I think he knows , ” she said. “I’m glad I don’t have a sister, ” he said. “I should have to get over my aversion to killing people.” -Rupert and Daphne . Loretta Chase
About This Quote

In this quote, Rupert and Daphne are discussing whether Miles is aware of their relationship. Even though the relationship is forbidden, they are still angry that Miles would try to prevent them from being together. This quote also discusses how society has caused an aversion for killing because it is a part of the military.

Source: Mr. Impossible

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